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"Underlook" started with a viral project called “Under-Cats” in which Lithuanian photographer Andrius Burba took pictures of cats from underneath. Project was inspired only by curiosity to see how cats look at this unusual angle. Fortunately, the results were more than interesting and the possibility to see animals from a different point of view kept the project going further.


  A German book Publisher "Riva" noticed “Under-Cats” project and published a photo book called "Unter-Katzen" (eng. “Under-Cats”). Furthermore, we decided to make our second project “Under-Dogs” and publish one more book called "Unter-Hunden" (eng. “Under-Dogs”). Now you can find these books online on Amazon.


Other Projects

Our biggest project so far is "Under-Horse". In this project, we tried to capture the beauty and power of amazing horses from underneath. The struggles of this photoshoot still inspire us to do more photoshoots of other animals that have never been photographed like this before. We are willing to have more exciting photoshoots in the future and take pictures of exotic animals like tigers.


  Furthermore, “Underlook” team is not limited to animals’ photoshoots.  "Under-Bikes" was the project that gave us more knowledge in taking pictures of subjects from underneath. We took some pictures from the side view as well. After photoshoot, pictures were rotated 90 degrees and it seemed like pictures were taken from underneath.


  The photoshoot of "Under-Bikes" was the first project that was done outside Lithuania. It took place in Groningen, Netherlands. That is why we managed to get so many different and interesting bikes.


​  Our latest project is called "Under-Cats-Colour" which has a colourful twist. Most of the time we use a black background for our photos, because it helps to pay the attention to an animal or a subject. However, we have had experience with colourful background by taking pictures of cats and rabbits.


Since 2017 we have started to organise open photoshoots for people who would love to have their pets photographed in an “Underlook" style. 


Follow us on: facebook and instagram, and get the latest updates on when the open photoshoots are happening and where!


Thank you for being a part of our creative work.


With love <3,

Underlook team.



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Founder and Photographer

The Heart of Underlook

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International Project manager

© 2024 Underlook

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